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Aster laevis 'Glow in the Dark'
pot 9 cm
3,10 €
Geranium hybride 'Lilac Ice'
pot 9 cm
4,55 €
Geranium magnificum 'Rosemoor'
Géranium vivace
pot 9 cm
2,70 €
Hosta 'Blue Cadet'
Hosta of funkia
pot 9 cm
3,10 €
Hosta clausa var. normalis
Hosta of funkia
pot 9 cm
3,10 €
Hosta 'Fire and Ice'
Hosta of funkia
pot 9 cm
4,05 €
Hosta 'Halcyon'
Hosta of funkia
pot 9 cm
4,05 €
Hosta tardiana 'June'
Hosta of funkia
pot 9 cm
5,60 €
Mentha aquatica
Menthe aquatique
pot 9 cm
3,10 €
Phlomis tuberosa 'Amazone'
Phlomis, sauge de Jerusalem ou sauge jaune
pot 9 cm
4,05 €
Phlox douglasii 'Lilac Cloud'
pot 9 cm
2,00 €
Stokesia laevis (cyana)
Bleuet d'Amérique
pot 9 cm
3,10 €
Tradescantia andersoniana 'Little Doll'
Ephémère de Virginie
pot 9 cm
2,70 €