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Ajuga reptans 'Atropurpurea'
Bugle, herbe de St. Laurent ou Ivette
pot 9 cm
1,70 €
Eleocharis palustris
pot 9 cm
3,10 €
Hosta fortunei 'Antioch'
Hosta of funkia
pot 9 cm
2,70 €
Hosta 'Golden Tiara'
Hosta of funkia
pot 9 cm
3,10 €
Hosta 'Moerheim'
Hosta of funkia
pot 9 cm
2,70 €
Hosta ventricosa
Hosta of funkia
pot 9 cm
3,10 €
Hosta 'Wide Brim'
Hosta of funkia
pot 9 cm
3,10 €
Luzula sylvatica
pot 9 cm
1,70 €
Primula beesiana
pot 9 cm
2,00 €
Primula japonica 'Miller's Crimson'
pot 9 cm
2,00 €
Primula pulverulenta
pot 9 cm
2,00 €