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Plantes vivaces

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Achillea 'Velour'
pot 9 cm
2,40 €
Agastache hybr. 'Crazy Fortune'
pot 9 cm
2,70 €
Anemone hybr. 'Regal Swan'
pot 9 cm
5,60 €
Aster ericoides 'Erlkoenig'
pot 9 cm
2,40 €
Campanula 'Kent Belle'
pot 9 cm
3,10 €
Fuchsia magellanica 'Gracilis'
pot 9 cm
2,70 €
Hosta 'August Moon'
Hosta of funkia
pot 9 cm
3,10 €
Hosta 'Krossa Regal'
Hosta of funkia
pot 9 cm
3,10 €
Hosta 'Sagae'(fluct.'Varieg.')
Hosta of funkia
pot 9 cm
4,05 €
Iris germanica 'Alcazar'
pot 9 cm
3,60 €
Lunaria annua
Lunair ou mannaie du pape
pot 9 cm
2,00 €
Paeonia suffruticosa paars
pot 12 cm
14,60 €
Phlox paniculata 'The King'
pot 9 cm
2,00 €
Primula pulverulenta
pot 9 cm
2,00 €
Salvia hybride 'Amistad'
pot 9 cm
3,10 €
Scabiosa hybride 'Barocca'
pot 9 cm
3,10 €